Sunday, April 22, 2007

Frugality; What is too frugal?

I've been thinking a fair bit lately about frugality and how it fits into our lives. Quite a few people on-line have been writing about becoming more frugal and how to do it.

I have been disturbed on a couple of levels by the attitudes in these posts. I do think God calls us the be careful (or frugal) with our money. God never anywhere in the Bible promises that everyone will have the same amount of money, so with this in mind there are a couple of things I think need to be mentioned.

For a number of years, we didn't have much income. My husband was struggling to start up the business and we really needed to be careful with how much we spent. These were lean years, where we only bought what we really needed. God was gracious and we were never without. What I mean by never without, is without the essentials. We had food in abundance, shelter, and the occasional perk. We were able to take vacations due to a family cottage, and had enough money to travel down to the States to visit family. We had what we needed and never really felt that we were without.

God has been gracious. He has also been gracious enough to bless us recently with some more financial stability. I do not take this as meaning we need to live as we did before, only now we will have more money to put away. God has blessed us with more money and while we still need to be careful with our money, we are no longer need to pinch as we did before. I think it is a fallacy to say that we should rely on God's provision not the paycheck. It would seem to me that God's provision is in the paycheck. God doesn't need us to be frugal. He will provide for us weather we are frugal or not. I do agree that God may not bless us as richly if we are foolish. We are called to be wise with our money, and use it to his kingdom and glory as well as our day to day needs. What is being done with the money that is saved? Is it being horded away, or used for His glory? I'm certainly not stating that any money we get that doesn't go towards physical needs should be given away. But, we better make sure we are giving away as we should. My pastor always talks about sacrificially giving. He says it should sting a little what we give, not that we give the left overs. I think this is wise to keep in mind.

I think that being frugal with what you have, not in what you spend is a really good concept. I think that often in being frugal we begin to focus on what we can get for how little. We become materialistic in our thinking. If we fill our house with 'stuff' we got for 'next to nothing' we are really no better off spiritually. Frugality becomes greed as we want more and rely on "God to provide the deals" in order to get more things.

The problem is that we become obsessed with finding the next 'deal' our lives begin to revolve around thrift stores and clipping coupons and searching the net. There surely are better ways to invest our time! There are people who have to do this in order to survive. But for those of us whom God has blessed with financial security surely there is a balance that needs to be implied. I think often people become a slave to frugality, and anything you become a slave to outside of God, you are in danger of making an idol out of it.

I struggle with the attitude of someone who God has blessed enormously with money and yet prays for God to provide simple items around the house and scours the thrift stores for those items. It just strikes me that they are slapping God in the face for what he has already provided for them. Not to mention it would seem to me that they can well afford to buy the item at full price, but that single mom with three kids on welfare certainly can't. Should you really be praying that you can get that item, and not someone who really needs it at that price?

I don't have an issue with budgets, spending your money wisely and being careful. I just object when it takes over your life, especially when God has already blessed you abundantly. Money it is said in the Bible is a reflection of what is in your heart. By squeezing those pennies so tightly are you really trusting in God's provision?


I decided awhile ago that I wasn't going to use this blog to complain. I decided that it would be much healthier to focus on the positive things God is doing in my life rather than rant about the things that aren't going well. I'm going to bend that rule a little today, and ask for your prayers. I hate being sick. Everyone does, but it is so hard being a Mom of a baby and being sick. Today I am really sick. Please simply pray that God will grant me the grace to get through the next couple of days feeling so lousy, and that the baby won't get it. If she feels as miserable as I do it is going to be a LONG week.

The last few days the weather has improved and the neighborhood has poured out of their houses. It is funny, but as Canadians we go about six months without seeing our neighbors as we all hibernate in cold weather and as soon as it warms up, out everyone comes. Two nights ago we had 30 odd people running around the common area in front of our house, last night there was 18 people at one point in time. I'm excited (and a little awed at the responsibility) about making new friends and having new opportunities. It is going to be interesting to see where this all leads. On another good note, a very good friend of mine has dropped back into my life again, for which I am very very thankful. I have for some time been quite lonely, as having a little baby and being a slave to nap times etc often leaves you by yourself. I'm thankful God has seen fit to bring people back into my life again, even though it has been where I've least expected it! Everyone is off a church right now, and baby is sleeping. There are buds on the trees and the birds are singing, PRAISE GOD for the sun!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


As the story of the VA Tech shooting unfolds the horror mounts. Like everyone I am weeping for the parents who lost children, for the students who lost friends, for the people who witness the horror, for the police and personal who are left dealing with the aftermath, for the community. So often you hear the question where was God? It amazes me that people cannot see the state of the world and the total depravity. Things like this happen because people are in a fallen state ruled by Satan. The media frenzy in the aftermath is just as sickening. These poor people are struggling to cope and come to terms with the events, and the media, specifically CNN all day trots student after student in front of the cameras "Where were you?" "What did you see?" time after time, reliving the details. The world has become so small, due to the media that horrific events come right into our living rooms. Because of this all Campus' across North America are on high alert due to the likely copycat crimes that will take place. Pray for those schools. Pray for the victims families and pray for the murderers family- the pain they must be in.

Monday, April 16, 2007


What is faith? Peter in his second letter states " "...To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours. " (2 pet 1:1)
Faith is a gift. But how else do we explain it? It is undeserved, it cannot be bought, borrowed or conjured, but can be asked for. Faith is so difficult to explain. We can witness and tell people about Jesus, but unless God chooses to give that person faith, the gospel message will fall on deaf ears. Those who do not have faith in God can ask God for it. Make sense? Of course not, if they don't believe in God, how can they ask him for something? There are a few things in the Bible where this happens. Where we simply have to trust and know that one day we will understand, but for now, it is beyond our simple sinful human thinking. True faith in God, is one of those. One way we can learn to treasure our faith is to get close to people who already do. Faith is not easily found, it is not easily explained, but it can easily erode when we walk with the wicked or stand in the counsel of the ungodly. We have to cherish and protect our faith!

True faith produces works. We do not gain faith by the work we do, but without faith, we can do no work that pleases God.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Ebay Business

Life is always busy. Yet as a stay-at-home mom, I needed something to do that didn't involve kids! I wanted to help my husband bring in a little income, but did not want to work outside the home.

My sister-in-law started me off selling kids clothes on Ebay. I made money, not a lot but some. It was a ton of fun, but I found it far too time consuming having to shop, take pictures, list, and ship the clothes. One of my husband clients (he is a web designer) wanted to start selling their products on Ebay and contacted me. Almost two years later, I have a part time business that brings in an average of about $600.00 a month. There is the possibility of expanding, but with three kids under the age of seven, I'm doing what I can handle now. I work an average of about 1 hour a day. I love the fact I can help my husband, and feel like I'm helping the house too! Best of all, I can do it from home, don't have to ship the kids off to daycare!

I thought I'd share some tips on how to get started with Ebay.

1) know your market. This involves research. If it isn' t sold already on Ebay, (and you can check completed listing to see) it likely will not sell. Before I list ANY new product I research it to see prices, how it sold and when it sold. Time of year and time of week are very important for auction listings! I usually list on Monday nights, about 9.00. I find that time works best for selling CD racks and Furniture. For kids clothes, usually Tuesday nights were the most popular.

2) A good title. This is so important for search engines. You need to make sure you only use words that describe your item. Words like "LOOK" and "GREAT" should never be used.
If I was going to be describing a new little girls dress from the Gap I would title it like this-
NEW NWT GAP Girls 0-3 m dress 2 pc.
It lets the buyer know it is new with tags, it is 2 piece dress from Gap and fits 0-3 months.
Most people would search for this item using girls gap 0-3 m nwt.

3) Description: Keep it simple and short. List colors and a short description of your item, but use sentences and check spelling. A lot of people don't do this and it effects your credibility! Your description need to list any flaws in the item to protect you

4) Pictures: These are the most important part of any ebay auction. Good clear fairly large pictures are a must! And, use the gallery feature. This is so important to people. I always search using the gallery pictures then look at the title.

5) Catchy Template- A good clean uncomplicated template always helps you look more professional. I use They are affordable (9.95 a month). With this you get image hosting, save auctions, templates etc. They rarely go down. I really recommend them.

6) Good communication: most people on ebay are reasonable. As long as you communicate with them, they know that you are an honest upfront seller. Email them when they win the auction, let them know you got payment, and let them know when the item ships. It saves a ton of hassle just to let them know what is happening!

7) Feedback is the most important part of any ebay business. I NEVER leave feedback until it is left for me. I had a couple of bad experiences with people being unfair and I now refuse to leave it now until it is left for me.

8) One other tip: I never buy on my sellers account. If I need to leave neg. feedback for a sale, I can't do so on my seller account for fear of retaliation feedback. I therefore buy under a different user name just to protect my business.

Hope this has helped some people

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Praise the Lord!

It has been a hard couple of days. With my husband away, and unreachable due to his cell phone not working in the remote location his is in, I have been literally on my own. The kids have been sick, the baby more so than the other two, and I have been sleeping only at the most 4 hours a night. BUT! God has been good. Both the older kids are at school today, the baby is sleeping and for the first time in three days I have a break! This morning, the baby was good enough that I got a load of laundry on, did the dishes and managed to tidy our disastrous house. I'm feeling pretty good- ( a little zombie like- but good!) Hubby is home on tomorrow, and even though we had a scare (they told us we were getting 20 cm of SNOW and we were concerned about the plane!) God has answered our prayers and it is coming in the form of rain now! God has certainly used these conferences to stretch me. But, with his help- I'm doing it! Thank-you Lord!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Gone again.

My husband is gone to yet another conference. I am hoping to continue blogging through this time, but really, it is going to be hard!!! I have three sick kids, (not too bad, but when the baby gets sick.... well we don't sleep! and she gags and barfs ALOT!)

One tip I have have that I faithfully follow, using paper plates! This helps me so much as I then have no dishes to do! The other thing I do is plan on eating out twice. This gives me two meals a dinner to make, (one already cooked in spaghetti!) It looks like tonight will be pizza, the kids were so teary with daddy being gone, I had to come up with something!

I pray everyone has a good night and feels better soon. Blessings.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Jesus did what Adam could not.

"...making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ.' (eph. 1:9)

Christ was able to accomplish what Adam was not. This statement confused me as I read the devotion this morning. What on earth was Adam supposed to accomplish? He was supposed to glorify God. It is a odd conundrum. On one hand Adam, because he sinned failed to glorify God the way he was supposed to, but God in all his wisdom already knew that Adam would fail, and because Adam failed, God ended up being even more glorified because he now had Christ come, and show the world his mercy and justice.

How different the picture would have looked if Adam had never fallen. It is odd to think what the world would have looked like. It seems to me that God is even more glorified because there is sin in the world than if there was no sin. His mercy and justice is shown, his perfect righteousness. Without sin, how important would these characteristics be? Can you imagine a world where there is no concept of evil? Would God's goodness simply be common place? Or would there be awareness of this? Were Adam and Eve aware of sin in the perfect world? It seems that they were, because they knew what it meant to die, but perhaps only in an abstract sense as they were told not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or they would surely die. So they obviously didn't know about evil , as it would give them more knowledge then they needed to know. I know they got thrown out of the garden for disobeying God (sin essentially started as man not trusting God) , but I also wonder if the knowledge of evil was too much for them, and it corrupted them as well.

Anyway, this all simply got me thinking, God's characteristics of goodness, perfect righteousness, and justice are glorified by us because we know the alternative. I know that God never intended for sin to happen in the world, but I feel that somehow, God is glorified more because we now know the alternative and can see and contrast his perfect nature more clearly.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Studying Ephesians

Blessed be the God and Father of our lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. (eph. 1:3-6)

My husband handed me a study on Ephesians by Sinclair Ferguson today. I was looking to study a book of the Bible in my devotions, and wasn't sure where to start. So for now I'll be looking at Ephesians!

As I mentioned before, I love when I read the Bible, and new bits pop out at me that I had not perviously considered. "...Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spirtual blessing in the heavenly places." I had never considered really what this phrase meant by "every spirtual blessing" Ferguson explains it as such. When we become Christians we do not only get a benefits package from Christ - containing new forgiveness, new life, new hope etc. This is really how I always looked at it. When we become Christians, Christ's blood washes away our sin, and we now stand blameless before God. This of course does happen, but seems to be a little more complex than I originally thought. You see we receive Christ himself. We are united to Him by his spirit- so all that he achieved for us becomes ours. Ferguson says Paul states that because we are united to Christ by spirt- we died with Christ- buried and raised with him, asended with him, and will reign with him when he comes to glory. (Col 3:1) Overwhelming isn't it? Logically it makes sense. But to think that on the cross all the spirits of all Christians of all time, with all the evil and sin co-mingling with Christ and Him hanging on that burden. He could take all of that because he is God, and able to forgive because He led a blameless life.

Now for the age old question, why did God love me (to save me) . Ferguson has the best explanation I've read. He states, "He loved you and planned to bring glory to his grace in and through you. " God gave us free will, but in our fallen nature we will only choose sin, we cannot in and of ourselves choose God, He must soften our hearts through His holy spirit and allow us to choose Him!

He chose us before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameless before him. We were not chosen because we are holy- but to become holy. We are all works in progress! This gives us deep security- knowing God's grip on me goes back to eternity.

On a side note- I have been hard at work attempting to shine a little light into our neighborhood. I cannot speak of Christ's love if my life does not look different than other peoples! But, in doing so (small things like a meal to a family whose little girl was in the hospital, offering to pick-up and drop off from the bus stop a boy whose mom had pneumonia. Things most people will do!) I've noticed that people have a really hard time accepting help, and feel like they need to say thank-you in a tangible way! (the mom dropped off a small thank-you gift this morning, and I was so flustered, I'm more than happy to help out!) Why is it so hard for people to look out and help one another? Why is it so shocking when people do?

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Putting off starting dinner

I don't know what to make for dinner tonight. We have a pre-Easter service at church, and we really need to eat on time, but I don't know what to make. I also feel completely uninspired and don't feel like cooking at all. It wouldn't be so bad except we ate the spaghetti last night as it was swimming night and now I don't have a stand-by to fall to.

I have been challenged by my sister-in-law to let everyone know about my blog. I will pray about it, but the thought stresses me out. I would like to know the direction that I want this blog to take before I make it "public". We shall see.

I really better go and start dinner. Blessings.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Being a Mom

Being a Mom is hard work! I came to that conclusion again today as I was dressing my oldest two after swimming lessons while juggling a cranky bored baby on my lap. I had just finished trying to entertain her for half an hour while the other two were in the pool, now she was tired and hungry and fed UP!

For so long as a mom your wants and needs are put aside as you try and deal with the wants and demands of you kids and husband. As your family increases, you would like to think that you have done it all before- but with each child the demands increase as each child has their own individual personality and needs and wants as well. I love my three kids- but don't fool yourself going from two to three is really really hard!

I love being a stay at home mom- truly I do. I love the fact I can be there for my kids. I also love the fact that we public school. I can't imagine that I would be a good and effective parent if I was with my kids 24/7. They need a break from me as much as I need a break from them. They do so much better- are much less bored when they are getting stimulation from other sources rather than Mommy entertaining them all the time. I pray for my kids protection each day, and trust that God will honor that. (not that I'm foolish with them, but I trust God has a plan that will be for the better of my kids and for His glory)

At the end of the day, when they are all sleeping and I'm exhausted. I have to remember to thank the Lord that he has given me (loaned me) these precious lives. I pray He softens the hearts of all my children so they come to know Him and glorify Him and walk with Him for the rest of their lives. I pray He shows me what I need to do to help them see the only way in this life is to live for Christ.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Create in me a clean heart, O God

"Have mercy on me, O God
according to your steadfast love
according to your abundant mercy
blot out my transgressions.
Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
and cleanse me from my sin!

For I know my transgressions
and my sin is ever before me.
Against you, you only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in you sight,
so that you may be justified in you words
and blameless in you judgment.

Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being,
and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;
wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones that you have broken rejoice.

Hide your face from my sins,
and blot out all my iniquities.
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a right spirit within me."

I love this psalm. It speaks so clearly to show how we all know exactly how we sin against God, and how right God's judgement is on us. I love how the psalmist knows and acknowledges his failings before God, stating that yes, he did it and God's judgment is right! It also shows so clearly how merciful God is. I love the line, "create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right spirit within me." This is something that God has to do again and again with each of us. Renew a right spirit within each of us. Not one Christian goes throughout life without needing God to do this again and again. And He willingly does so, all because of Christ. Lord, thank-you for your son. Thank-you that you sent Him to die for me, to cover me and make me whiter than snow. Work in me, O God, create a right spirit within me.