Thursday, August 30, 2007

That Time Again

Cold and flu season has hit..... already. It is only August and yet Michaela is working on her second cold for the month. Nick had it first, as managed to pass it along. This is crazy and has me worried about what kind of season it is going to be. We normally manage to make it almost through September before this starts. I hate it when my kids are sick, and am stressing about a few days of broken nap times and bad night sleeps. Poor Michaela has sneezed about 50 times so far today! We are, in a few minutes heading off to Abby's ice cream social for her class. Kind of a meet and greet. Mostly to get the kids out of the house. They are seriously driving me nuts as they are so bored they are constantly fighting. CONSTANTLY! Abby bugs Michaela, who is at the need to vocalize but can't talk so I'll scream stage. I'm trying to remain patient, but I can feel my defenses slowly crumbling. O.k. I really better go, I haven't brushed my hair yet today. Remember when I said that everything was under control, and that it is always short lived...... yeah, this time really short lived!

Saturday, August 25, 2007


There are times when my house feels like everything is under control. I have entered one of those time, where I seem to be on top of everything. It never lasts long, but, it is so nice when it happens! The house is clean, the kids clothes sorted, shopping done. Thanks to a major shortage in funds at the moment, I've been having to be a little more creative with cooking, and school supplies. We were doing so well financially for such a long time, we kinda forgot that we need to still watch what we spend, embarrassing, but we have learned, and also realized in the mean time how much less we need to live on. We are o.k. (lest people worry) but just, and things are a little stressful at the moment. But, God is good, and we have been in this place before. We have a week left of summer vacation, and it is going to be hard next week as milk forms and stuff come home , I'm not sure right now we can do all that and Abby especially will be upset. (I swear we end up putting out $300.00 each time school starts with all the lunch, milk and other money stuff that comes home) The kids are ready to go back, Nick is so bored, but has taken to reading like a duck to water. Two days ago he blazed through three books in one day. These are novels with grade three reading level. We have a reader, thankfully!!!

Nicky-ism for today. Holding up a package of Ground Cumin. "I'm never eating anything with this in it!!" Puzzled I ask, Why?, "Because it is sand!!!!' Ummm, no....." Yes it is look it says so right on it ..... look.. GROUND."