Saturday, April 3, 2010


I hate it. Really it is that simple. Give me a game to play (yes even the dreaded basketball) and I can enjoy feeling like I'm going to die. But exercising purely for the sake of exercising?
Forget it. When I was on the swim team in highschool there was at least a goal for the exercise. I was pushing, chasing the people ahead of me, working to shave a few seconds (or 10th's of a second) off my time. The training was worth it.

Now, I'm getting older. I want to play soccer again this summer. But since I am now turning (gasp!) 34, I feel like I've passed some kind of invisible marker. I can't just pick up and start playing again with first trying to undo some of the damage done by sitting around all winter. I know unless I start to get into shape now I'm going to injure myself badly when we start playing. It felt wrong for the first time ever when I started running the other day! So I talked to Trill. She is great. She has a neat on-line training program that will work with me to form some kind of manageable routine. Strength 3 days a week, Cardio four. (the only problem right now is I can't do close to the number of sets she wants me to do.) I ran today for the second time. At least this time felt a little better than last time. And I ran close to twice as far. (now don't get too excited, it really wasn't that far at all,but baby steps...) And we shall see. I have accountability in Trill, which I need. I'm too proud to admit defeat, so having someone checking on me is going to force me to keep moving. But I have to tell you.. I hate every minute of it.

The weather is unseasonably warm. I love spring . It is easily my favorite time of year. Last year we really didn't have spring at all, so maybe this year will make-up for it. I ripped apart part of our garden today. Extended it out and around. Lifting large rocks and digging up our lawn counts for some sort of exercise doesn't it?

I'll keep people posted on the exercise front. If I don't pass out and embarrass myself that is. If that happens you won't be hearing about it.