Friday, January 25, 2008

Looks like we may have a fight on our hands...

I am headed out tonight to a meeting regrading the fate of our children's schooling next year. It seems that the current school (the one Nick attends and the one Abby will attend next year) is overcrowded and they want to move the entire Ward 6 (us) out to a "new" old abandoned school- this means our kids have to begin again. I'm not totally opposed to the idea, but want to make sure there is going to be good funding for the start up of a totally new school. Should be interesting.

Had a fight with Michaela today as I decided she needed to eat some apple sauce as she still refuses to eat any fruit or veg. All I did was give her some and we ended up with the entire dinner she just consumed on the floor. What am I going to do... I'm worried she is going to end up with scurvy or something! This happens anytime I try to give her something that isn't meat or carbs.......

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I'm at home today, Abby actually is doing fine, and Nick really is too, but yesterday Abby popped a fever again about 4.00 and since we were supposed to go to a friends for lunch (we have a church members meeting again) we had to make the call. Now, looking at my three kids roaring around, they could have gone. Sigh.... I really wanted to go to that meeting too, as there are several issues that have come up that I would have liked to hear what everyone has to say.

So today, instead of fellowship, will be spent painting Abby's room and laundry. I finally have got around to fulfilling my promise to Abby and am redecorating her room. When Nick moved out, part of the deal with Abby, who was none too pleased about being by herself, was that we would redecorate the room from the neutral boy/girl theme it is now, to a pink/fluffy girl room. Well, the color she choose is not exactly to my taste (can you say bubble gum pink???) She is thrilled.

We had a Mommy/Abby morning yesterday and went off to pick the paint and some accessories. I didn't want the typical Disney comforter for the beds, so we found one that both of us are reasonably happy with. On a funny side note: Abby had me so overwhelmed with details (she wanted the matching throw pillows and the matching shams and the matching sheets and of course x2 as it is a bunk bed and one very fluffy pink rug) that when I got to the cash I had a heart attack as I had somehow grossly miscalculated how much it was all going to come to! We got out to the car, me still in a stunned state, when I came to my senses and told Abby we had to go and return some of this as Daddy would kill me. So there we were in -15 degree wind, negotiating which pillows etc I would return. She was pretty good, and I returned about 100.00's worth of stuff, and Abby was happy as she got to keep two pillows. (we also kept the rug and the comforters....) What a girl...

Hope everyone is having a very blessed Sunday!

By the way, Michaela has stopped referring to herself as Layla, and instead has taken to calling herself ... YOU. It is pretty funny as you point at her and ask "who's that" and she very proudly announces "you!!"

Friday, January 11, 2008


Oh how I long for the spring! No more bundling little ones up in coats, boots, hats and mitts just to walk 5 minutes to school! I want to putter around in my garden coaxing the plants to life again!

Canadian winters seem so barren- dull, grey and bitter!

And yet....

The weather this year really has not been terrible. God has granted us a winter with breaks in the weather- that has allowed us to quit hibrating from time to time and be outside again.

For awhile now I've been reading a site about a pair of missionary doctors in Uganda. Their story is quite amazing. Their site is here. They live with their three children in Bundibugyo, Uganda. The region of Bundibugyo has suffered an Ebola outbreak and it has been so interesting following their journey. Interesting and heartbreaking.

It is so fascinating with the advent of the blog how in touch we can keep with people from different countries. How much more specific and deliberate we can be when we pray! And, how quickly we can respond to specific prayer requests. I suppose before the internet, (and airplanes!) it would have taken months for updates and prayer requests to reach people. Obviously it would not have affected the outcome as God is sovern and knows and controls all, but what a difference it has made for the laypeople! We now see in a much more direct and quick answer to our prayers from all over the world. I'm sure this has changed the way we pray significantly.

At any rate, check out the site when you get a chance, they are on vacation in Austria right now-for a much needed break but will be back in a couple of days.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

So much for Normal

Michaela came down sick Sunday night.... really sick. I think she had the flu and finally took her off to the doctor yesterday as she was simply not getting any better. She then was diagnosed with strep.

In the grand scheme of things I guess she really wasn't that sick. But, she wasn't that well either!

Today, after being on the antibiotics she has finally turned the corner I think. I've kept her on Tylonal in an attempt to have a normal day and will hopefully see no fever. It has been a long four days of little sleep and cranky baby.

I am weary.

I remember when the other two kids hit three how much easier it got when they were sick. It still isn't nice, but there isn't the same level of care required.

Off to finish the laundry- I spent the day trying to catch up on housework, as my husband had the audacity to suggest I've been on vacation for the last four days!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Tim's Book

Came out last week. It was so much fun to see it in person. How cool! I've always wanted to be published, so it has been fun living vicariously through my husband.

One rather nasty side that has come from all this has been an attack on Tim. Justin Taylor of Between Two Worlds posted a article about Tim's book, simply stating that it was out. What resulted was a shock.

People were making fairly damaging statements about Tim's character. I was furious. Tim's response is here. My husband is far more gracious than I!

I am constantly amazed by the lack of grace on the internet. It seems that even normal people lose their senses when confronted with the ability to comment without being held accountable for their thoughts. Tim has said time and time again that bloggers have to have thick skin. People love to make sweeping judgments, and clothe them in self-righteousness! "Don't be too hard on Tim..... I wish him the best, after all, this book is his attempt to make a mark and gain his fifteen minutes of fame, Tim is young, theologically immature, and untested in handling God’s Word, he knows little about discernment, and he is insecure and lacks credibility! But really I wish him all the best!" (this is a paraphrase and not the actual text) And some people had enough nerve to claim that wasn't a personal attack! Grace people grace!!!!!

As Tim has stated to me, he has no problem with legitimate questions about his credentials, but to attack him personally, and not even bother to judge the work on it's own merits is a little hard to take.

At any rate it has been a little unsettling. I'm looking forward to going back to church on Sunday. I managed to get to one service while we were away, but since Tim was preaching, and since it was a really small church with no nursery, I didn't get to hear much. Tim did really well, and surprisingly I wasn't at all nervous for him!

We get back to the school run on Monday, and hopefully I will get back to a more structured Bible study. This blog started off well, and then quickly ended up being more of a couple of times a week update for everyone! I enjoyed the structure of posting things that required more thought and will have to do so again!

Blessings everyone, and Happy New Year!