Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas Shopping

I have been panicking lately, as it is getting ever closer to Christmas and I have barely begun my Christmas shopping. Tim's birthday falls in early December and it is always hard finding gifts so close together. Combine that with going away and Christmas, leaves me with a feeling that Christmas is really much further away than it is! I have, for years preferred to have my Christmas shopping done by December 1st so that I can enjoy the season!

I decided- since Tim's birthday is less than a week away now, that I would brave the crowds today and head to the mall. I had no idea what I was going to get for him, but thought Michaela and I would brave the crowds. On the way to the mall the radio announced that it was cyber-monday. Apparently today was the biggest cyber shopping day of the year. I hoped this meant that there wouldn't be many people at the mall!

My first stop as always was Old Navy, I love that store for it's clearance racks and today was no different as it gave up a variety of goods (Including pants for 10.00 and shirts for 2.99!!!!) All in all, as Tim will be reading this I can't tell you what I got, but I will say I manged to walk away with 7 articles of clothing for 100.00.

Next stop, the Gap. I''ve never found the deals that Maryanne and gang find in the States, but today, I did o.k. coming away with a pair of pants for a little girl for 3.97 and a couple of shirts!

By this time Michaela was out of the stroller and toddling through the mall. I needed to hit zellers for a birthday gift, but she got side tracked by the massive water fountain in the middle of the mall. The girlie loves water and this was way to much to miss! I was trying to pull her around the thing intent on my mission, when I realized that this was an opportunity. How often am I going to have the chance to sit and watch my little one in awe of something so simple? So we sat and chatted about the water, until she was distracted by the up escalator and we talked about that too, a little later, we continued on our way, me thankful I had stopped for a few minutes just to watch her curiosity!

All in all, I did o.k. today. and feel a little more on top of this Christmas thing. Abby and Tim are almost done, stockings are 99% complete. Nick is 50% done and well... I haven't even thought about Michaela, but we are getting there! Christmas is just around the corner!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Oh the Frustration

I have a love hate relationship with my ebaying. Love it for reasons mentioned before. The ability to make a little money while working from home. Hate it as it frustrates me to no end. Yesterday did approx. 1500 dollars in sales. Today, had 700 of that taken away due to bad information sent to me by people who should know better, but are too disorganized to filter me the proper information. So instead I have to issue refunds to three people who ordered units as far away as 10 days ago. Sigh. I don't get upset when mistakes happen, but I do when it is preventable. The only thing stopping me from doing this on my own is a little piece of paper I signed.

It is 5:10, the kids are hungry, dinner hasn't even been thought of, and Tim's phone just rang with yet another client who doesn't understand the 9-5 policy, or can't calculate time change.

It is going to be a long night.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I've been so bad lately about writing. This is the busy season for Ebay, and I've finally asked for some help. Grace will be handling the tracking numbers for me in a hope that it will improve the communication with my customers. I did fifty sales last month, a grand total of 11,000 dollars worth. Finally- now if they'll just pay me! I've frustrated with my boss right now, we always end up needing a make-up session after the busy season. They drive me CRAZY sometimes, but I have to remember to be grateful for what they did give me.

I'm reading John Owen right now with the gang. Wow, is it hard to get through. Thankfully I have a husband who will translate for me, as there is no way I'll do it on my own. I'll try and write some better content this weekend. Blessings!