Monday, July 30, 2007


Yesterday it was quite hot. Our church saw it fit to place a water cooler at the back of the church so people didn't expire during the service. After church I was talking with a friend and observed my littlest one, (who had asked to be put down) watching people intently at this water cooler. She then proceeded to push her way up to the table and grabbed a glass on the edge- toddled under the cooler and held her glass under the spout. She stood there waiting until someone pushed the button for her and filled her cup. Then she happily toddled away and drank her water, only to repeat the whole process when her cup was empty. We were all laughing watching this baby push her way through a sea of legs, arms outstretched patiently waiting for someone to fill her cup yet again. It was funny to watch the adults start as they realized what she wanted. This is Michaela. She is so very observant, and understands people very well. When asked she will get me a diaper, throw out objects into the garbage and put away toys. Yet, she hardly talks. Ta, (for please and thank-you) KA (for yuck) Mumma (for mom of course, and Ow for you guessed it. There are a few others too, but not much! Her understanding far exceeds her vocab. She has no fear- which is scary for a mom watching her 14 month old try to drown herself in a lake because lying down and having water flow over your face is fun. She figured out how to climb the bunk-bed ladder and I walked into the room to find her smiling at me sitting on the top bunk looking rather pleased with her self. I am busy. It has been fun watching her personality emerge, but I know this one is going to give me gray hair!

(Nicky ism for today- "I'm going to convince all the girls to live with me with the amount of money I have.... I don't want to live under a tree!)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Forgive me

I'm so sorry for all of you who have delicate sensibilities, this post is going to offend you, but it is one I have been threatening to write for some time now.

Tim loves baseball. LOVES baseball. Our summer evening lately have been quite predictable. Tim sits down turns on the game, Aileen starts moaning and groaning and fussing.

I've come to the conclusion that I could stand the baseball, if it wasn't on 6 nights a week, and if crotch batter wasn't playing.

Crotch batter- or as the rest of the world knows him Reed Johnson. He has the most bizarre ritual in the game of baseball I think and frankly it disgusts me so much I almost shudder every time the man comes to bat. Between each and every pitch the man steps out of the box, wedges the bat in between his legs resting on his you know what and proceeds to adjust his batting gloves. Picks up the bat again, and steps back into the box. Why this bothers me so much I find it hard to say, but I think it has something to do with the fact that I don't want to be watching this man balance a bat against his cup every night! I've heard he is a nice guy, but he needs to loose this habit for all the women watching!

On another note- I finally found a dress for Grace's wedding. Good old Winners- my husbands idea. The dress is exactly what I was looking for and everyone's husbands eye's will be safe from cleavage shots! (I still feel really bad Maryanne- but Pat can take all the pictures he wants at this wedding with no fear!)

I've been thinking a lot lately again about gossiping tongues- after another nursery session. I'm trying to find a book on the subject- Tim is looking too- so we shall see!

We are going away for a week and I am looking forward to it- Really for mom's vacation is doing the same thing in a different setting- but we will have a beach and no internet! Tim is going to get a lot of reading done!


Friday, July 13, 2007

Shopping for Time

I have been reading Shopping for Time, by Carolyn Mahaney and daughters. I will write more extensively on it later, but wanted to mention one thing today. One part of the book, they talk about something they do in order to meet with God each day. They all get up at 5 am. They talk about the importance of rising early, to meet with God before each day begins, and so before I really even got into the third chapter of this book, my heart began to fall. I can't do that. Truly I can't. I'm up still each night about 3 to 4 times with Michaela, I simply cannot get up at 5 am.

Then there was a little paragraph half way through the chapter. "...rising early may not be realistic for moms with young children who still get up at night. You are already part of The midnight club and the 3 am club aren't you? No mother of an infant should be condemned by this chapter. Rather, we hope that you know the Lord's pleasure in your sacrificial care for your little one."

My eye's filled with tears as I read that one simple sentence. "...the Lord's pleasure in your sacrificial care for your little one."

Like it or not- we as mom sacrifice a lot to care for babies. But, for some bizarre reason, I never considered that God would understand and even take pleasure in the sacrifices I am making to care for my kids. It never occurred to me that I am still helping my relationship with God and serving Him through caring for my kids. He understands that I can't right now do an hour's worth of devotions everyday. I still need to do what I can, devotion wise that is- but I tend to throw up my hands and give up because I feel like I'm not doing enough (time and attention wise)

So for now, I will be doing my devotions in the evening, after my kids are in bed, because for now that is the best time for me. I look forward to the time when I can start my day arming myself with His word, but I trust for now, He will bless the time I have, and pray he will continue to take pleasure in my care of my children.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Playing Soccer , Dress Shopping and Getting Old

I signed up to play womens soccer this summer. Soccer a long time passion of mine filled my youthful summers. I loved to play, and in some ways still do. This season however has been hard on me. The team I'm playing with is filled with girls who for the most part are a good 10 years younger than me. It has been seven or so years since I've played. I'm simply not as good as I once was. This has been a very very hard pill for me to swallow. I'm competitive by nature, especially with sports- and I once was pretty good at soccer. Not outstanding, but a good solid player. Now, I'm a little (or a lot!) out of shape, and my timing just isn't there anymore. It has been one of the most frustrating experiences I've had. I had hoped as I played it would get better, and it has, a little, but I'm afraid the reality of it is simply that I'm getting old. I know someone who recently told me that she simply would not play summer soccer anymore, because she was not as good as she once was and it was to frustrating for her. I can truly understand. I'll finish this season, but am not too sure I'll be playing again next year.

I also went dress shopping today for Grace's wedding. For the first time since Nick was a newborn, I'm a size 8. Right now, I weigh about 128 pounds. I can say this because it won't last! The minute I stop nursing the weight will come back with a vengeance! I was excited, because I'm now thin, so finding a dress should be easy right? The biggest problem has been finding one where my chest isn't hanging out. I'm stuck in that almost middle age category, where the dresses are either too young (not made for people who have had three babies sucking on them!!) or too old. I just want a simple sun dress!!!! Basically I'm feeling pretty crummy about myself right now, which is a little unusual for me, normally stuff like this doesn't bother me too much.

I did get Michaela a cute dress for the wedding, and found Nick a tie, so all is not lost. It has been a very busy couple of weeks!