Thursday, June 28, 2007

My dramatic son.

My darling little boy is finishing grade one today. They grow up far too fast! It's hard to believe that this year has flown by! He loves his teacher, and was sad to be leaving her, but was comforted by the fact that he would still see her around the school next year. Then the dreadful news came, she was leaving to teach at a different school.

My son came down this morning in tears, upset of course, that he would not see his beloved Ms. Aston again. He said " When it comes time to say good-bye she is going to have to say 'have a nice LIFE, 'cause we'll never see her again!!'" (insert heartbroken sobs) My poor boy. Tonight might be rough, but he will have a baseball game to help him heal! He is so dramatic!

I'm proud of him. His teachers said he was a pleasure to have in the class this year, and he did very well in his first year of 'real' school. Welcome to a new era, grade two!!

I love you Nick.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Starting Work Again

Most women take maternity leave. Me being me, I was determined that I could handle having a new baby and continuing to work my part time ebay job. I did, for about 10 months. Then I burned out. I actually stopped listing altogether for the last two months, things had slowed down as they do in the tax season, and frankly I needed the break. I was no longer able to juggle three kids, the house and working. Just three days ago I was gently nudged by my boss and I am now firmly back in the swing of things. I relisted only three days ago and have already sold 4 items. I was debating quitting altogether, but realize that the money is a huge help and frankly I do enjoy it. It is so good for me to spend a couple of hours a day when the baby is napping on this!

I am so thankful that God has given me this job, and needed the break to help me realize again how thankful I should be. After all, how many people can simply walk away from their work for two months and then simply step back in like nothing has happened?

Tim and I are both sitting on opposite couches typing frantically on our computers. Oh the life of a family with two laptops! It has been so hot here today, but I have been running around to the gardens out front trying to clean-up the common gardens that have been neglected for years. I have discovered a passion for gardening, which has come as a huge surprise, but a welcome one, it is fun having a new hobby!

The kids are done school in three days, and I have decided that I want Abby reading before she starts school in the fall. She is already able to read the simple short vowel books, and is working on inventive spelling. She is ready and will be reading before September if I can manage to help her practice. Nick is reading at about a mid-grade two level already- so I'm not too worried about him, but since Tim and I had such trouble with Math, I'm going to get the home schooling books and start into grade two math with him. My plan is to have them help me tidy the house in the mornings then spend an hour on school stuff. Once a week we will do the splash pad, library and my mom's house. That combines with sports and church in the evening should be enough for a busy week! We have plans for the neighborhood kids and mom's to go to Canada's Wonderland one day, (which will be interesting!) and there is always someone to play with out in the common area!

And summer approaches! Pray please for Nick's teacher next year. I know Abby's teacher and am very happy with her, but have no clue who Nicky is going to have. Pray that they (french and english) will be good ones!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Helping an Underachiver

I've been having long discussions with a neighbour of mine about her daughter. The public school system really did a number on her daughter in SK, and she didn't learn to read properly. Since then, now in grade two she is behind and is refusing to do homework, hates to read and generally gets stressed out about school. The mom is stressed and worried and has tried everything to motivate the child but has thus far been unsuccessful. Promises of treats, taking away of privileges, desserts have all failed miserably. I'm sympathetic to the level of frustration and have little to offer in the way of helpful advice. How do you make the kid do the work when they flatly refuse to do it? She seems to think that the child is able to do the work, she just doesn't like to and therefore refuses to do it.

Even as I'm writing this I am beginning to wonder if there isn't a learning disability there, but how do you approach a parent with that concern? The system loves to label kids with that stigma and once labeled it is hard to remove that. For the most part she seems like an intelligent little girl, abet a quiet one. I'm at a loss, and am thankful I'm not having to deal with this myself!

Monday, June 18, 2007


Our evening services at our church are considerably less formal than the morning services, and recently the leadership decided to allow people they felt qualified (in other words people they hand-picked and asked) to teach or preach during the evening service. They asked (I believe it was 7) different men to teach on the doctrines of grace.

With the exception of one, these were youngish men (30 and younger) who stepped up to the challenge and spoke on these Sundays. I get goosebumps when I see how many capable and willing men there are in this church. I think it speaks so highly of the leadership and the health of the church that there are this many men willing and able. And it isn't limited to the Sunday teaching aspect. I can think of a dozen other men in this church who are teaching or leading in some other capacity. It is so exciting to see!

Women in so many churches take over, because men will not and cannot step up and take leadership and responsibility. There is even a man heading up the Nursery ministry. His wife handles the day to day running of the program, but any conflict and issues are handled by him. I deeply respect this, as (especially when children are involved) women can get so protective, for some reason it is easier to take coming from a man!

It is nice to see the church functioning in a way that God wants! Hope everyone has a good week.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I asked

I began to notice as of late, as one does from time to time in marriage, that Tim's and my relationship was sagging just a little. Daily life with three kids under the age of seven leave little time for in depth discussions, romance and even simple friendship. My sister-in-law has commented that at times, when you have little children it seems that you become more roommates than a married couple.

Tim lately has been tired. He just looks plain worn out, and having been married for close to 10 years now, I know the signs when he begins to feel neglected. I haven't been feeling particularly good about the way things have been going lately and decided to try something simple to help our relationship and Tim in particular. I asked him to write a list of 10 simple things I could do on a daily basis to make him feel more loved and appreciated.

I have to admit I felt good about asking him to do this. I felt smug and somewhat proud. Here I was 'sacrificing' to improve our relationship. Look what I was doing! Then I read Tim's list. My heart broke and my eyes filled with tears as I read over the simple things Tim has asked me to do in order to make him feel loved. I won't share that list with you, as it is personal, but rest assured there is nothing on there that is earth shattering. Instead, it shows what a terrible job I have been doing caring for my husband. These are very simple, uncomplicated ways I can show him he matters, things that take less than 1 minute of my day, and for a long time now I have been neglecting to do so.

So, forgive me my husband, and rest in the knowledge that I will try to do better. I will be praying that God reminds me on a daily basis to do those simple things that matter so much to you. I thank God that he has given me such a wonderful partner for life, and know that you need to be shown that I love and care for you. Thank-you for putting up with me!

Monday, June 11, 2007

What a week

I will start off by apologizing for those of you who check this site for the lack of new content lately. It has been quite a week. Last Monday night Michaela was playing outside while Tim and I kicked a soccer ball around. She fell on the sidewalk, which isn't really that remarkable, what was more impressive was the fact when she stood up there was blood pouring down her face. Now head wounds bleed a lot, but she really did a number on herself and required 4 stitches to close the cut. It became infected on Friday, and then Friday night she started running a fever. The fever was unrelated to the cut, but she now (after running a fever for three days) has one of the worst head colds I have seen. This on the tail of the other two having the stomach flu, and Abby woke up this morning coughing. GROAN. I haven't slept for more than 5 hours a night for the past three nights. So, THAT is why it has been so bare bones around here lately.

Just a quick update. Would appreciate your prayers.