Monday, September 28, 2009

Prayer Request

One thing I really hate about the Ontario school system, is the restructuring that takes place on and around September 30th each year. It seems, thanks to a government mandate, that they can and often do change our kids class rooms so that there is no more than 20 kids per class. What that means for Abby and Nick's school this year is that they are creating, a 1/2 2/3 and 3/4 split.
I'm really worried about Abby. There is only 3 grade 2 classes right now, and I love her teacher, she is in with her neighbour hood friends. I am really praying that I don't get a phone call in the next 48 hours telling me that they are moving her. But they are creating two new classes and everyone will be effected. Same with Nick. Although he has less of a chance of moving, but he is in with a really good friend of his, and he likes his teachers. I like them as well.

I have never been able to figure out why they can't fix this before school starts. Abby had to change last year, and while I liked her new teachers better, it took her a good month to settle back into her new classroom.

So I am asking that everyone pray. Pray that my kids won't have to move, that their teachers will remain the same, and that their friends stay in the classes with them. Thanks.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I'm trying a new system for my prayer requests. With our Grace Kids, we break into our small groups at the end of the session, do lemon's and cherries (left over from the Sanctuary) and then prayer requests. I wrote all the requests (in general terms) down on a giant yellow sticky note, that then gets placed over my kitchen sink. The only problem I'm finding is that I now have three rows of those sticky notes, and still have a couple more to add!

Michaela's bee phobia is getting worse. She now will not play outside anywhere near our house. For now, she will play at the park and stuff, but we still have not been able to rid our front yard completely of the bees. Any suggestions on how to deal with a three year old's bee phobia would be appreciated.

I got an email about a dog in need. A three year old yellow lab that needs a home. We are considering it. Have to go tuck the kids into bed.

Monday, September 21, 2009


It has been a long three weeks. Tim has been traveling a fair bit lately. And tonight, (he left this morning for the third trip in two weeks.) I'm feeling the burden of being a single parent. The kids aren't responding well to discipline, and I'm just plain tired. Not only am I doing double duty, but I've realized I find it very stressful when he is away. New revelation.

I started off this morning by falling off the bed, as I flipped over to turn off the alarm. It hurt. I somehow got mixed-up and didn't realize that I was on Tim's side of the bed.... and boom- landed on the floor.

I have another half and hour and I can put my trouble makers to bed. Thank-goodness!!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Grace and bees

So much for sneaking in quietly. I had forgotten about the RSS feed. Although I have to say I assumed everyone would have unsubscribed after six months of nothing.

Last night was the second class of Grace Kids for this year. Tim was away and I was left on my own to teach. I had taught by myself last year, but the experience this year was vastly different.

The kids this year are so much younger. It is amazing in someways to see the difference from grade six to grade eight. At grade six they are still children, by grade eight they are young adults. The same is proving true for developmental aspects as well.

Last year, it was like pulling teeth to get the kids to talk, this year, you have to work to get them to stop. And most of what is said is just repetition of what their neighbor said. I came away last night feeling totally ineffective, frustrated and somewhat dismayed. The lesson didn't go as I had hoped, and I felt that they had missed the entire point of what we were talking about. Everyone has simple pat answers for the questions, yet none of them really understand the concept.

It was humbling. I felt so inadequate.

I pray that we can reach out to these kids this year. The task seems so very daunting compared to last year.

On another note: Michaela has developed a terror of bee's. Understandable given her last stinging incident, but one that is annoying as she refuses to go outside. I have no idea what to do about it, and given that she seems to attract bees, I'm not sure that she shouldn't be very cautious. (I mean the child has been stung three times this year... I've only been stung once in my life!!!!)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Six Months

Six Months. That's how long it has been since I've last posted. Reading back over my posts, I realize how much I want to keep up with blogging. I love how much the posts are a journal into our lives, a record of sorts.

So, we will see. I'm going to try to pick this up again. Should be interesting to see how long it takes people to realize that I'm posting again. Not going to tell anyone... just in case I can't commit!