Thursday, March 12, 2009

Michaela hides her face

Anytime I walk into a room and find my youngest daughter with her hands over her eyes, I know she is touching something she should not. It is actually the cutest thing, she figures if she can't see me, I can't see here. Tim captured it on video this afternoon, and here is the result.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

From Canning to Power Tools

I've been stretching my horizons this year. It started off in the fall with canning various jams and preserves. I've even started making bread. Yesterday, I moved into power tools. We started the floor in the basement yesterday. Dad agreed to come over and guide Tim and myself through the basics of home improvement. Thank-goodness! So yesterday I spent part of the afternoon on my hands and knees installing sub flooring and laminate. Tim decided it would be humorous to take a picture of me using the skill saw. If the picture is reasonable I'll post it as proof I did do more than watch.

It went well. No fingers and no limbs missing. I had an uncomfortable moment at Home Depot however. I was sent to pick-up some more supplies early in the afternoon. After making my purchases, I headed out to the parking lot only to find I had misplaced my car. And, of course, I had to run into someone I knew in the parking lot while standing there looking befuddled. It was embarrassing.

I'm looking forward to having a functioning basement again. Thanks again Dad for helping us! Today we have a members meeting later, so have to head into church earlier than usual. Nick has a friend over to play and they are busy upstairs playing lego.

It has been a busy weekend, Nick's birthday is next week, and I am once again remembering the day we brought him home from the hospital. It was March 6th and was warm enough out we could be outside in short sleeves. As I look to the weather on Monday, it is set to be -15 with a windchill of -27, (that is 5 and -16 for you Americans) I am so tired of winter. Looking forward to my soon to be 9 year olds birthday. He wants to have a friend over after school on Thursday and his grandparents will be coming for a visit later that evening as well. Hopefully he will have a good day!