Tuesday, January 6, 2009


As I was cleaning the bedroom this morning, I was talking with Michaela about how it was soon going to be her turn to move to the bottom bunk of the bunk bed in Abby's room. Around the age of 2, Abby moved into bottom bunk and Nick switched to the top. Recently, (well ever since Dominican really) Nick has been sleeping in Abby's room on the top bunk. Tim and I have been wanting to move Michaela for awhile now, but she hasn't been sleeping that well and we haven't wanted to mess with Abby's sleep patterns. Michaela has been sleeping better of late, and she was quite excited at the thought of sleeping in "Abby's room".

We've explained many times to both girls how the room would one day be both of theirs. That Abby would move to the top bunk, as her brother before her and they would share. Our children (as evidence from Nick) take a great deal of comfort from each other, and both girls seemed pleased that there would still be someone in the room with them.

Much to my surprise at bedtime tonight, Michaela remembered our conversation this morning, and was very excited about sleeping in Abby's room. As I talked to her about it, clarifying that Abby would indeed be sleeping in her room, on the top bunk, I heard a "WHAT??" from one very distraught Abigail. That this was going to be an issue for her, never occurred to us. We had discussed this many times with her. Tim talked to her and we began moving bedding around.

Everything exploded. Abby melted down, and sat on the top bunk wailing. I gave in at that point and told Abby to move back, then Michaela sat on the bottom bunk and started wailing. I couldn't win. At this point my goal was to get them to sleep as quickly as possible. I moved Abby into our room telling her that I would move Michaela out as soon as she was asleep. At this point Abby was so upset, she was hyperventilating from crying so hard. I got Michaela to sleep and moved into our room, to try and calm Abby down. The only was to appease her was to promise she could sleep in our room tonight, along with Michaela. So we went from no kids to two kids in our bedroom. Finally things were calming down. I got up with Abby moved into the hall way with a "come on let's get your stuff..." When I hear a "WHAT??" Guess who?

Nick was upset now... he was scared to sleep alone. (how have I damaged my children???) All three are asleep upstairs now- Nick wanted to be in our room too... but Abby in tears stated she loved Nick and didn't want him to be scared so she agreed to move back into her own room.

Obviously, where I went wrong, was not discussing will all three of the moving Michaela. It simply never occured to me.

An hour and a half later it is peaceful in the Challies household. Until tomorrow when Michaela wakes up and realizes she is no longer in Abby's room.... let's hope she doesn't figure it out in the middle of the night.

Monday, January 5, 2009

10 minutes

Tim is, at the moment, downstairs with Michaela and the repair guy, fixing, I hope, our washing machine. It has been out of commission for over a week now. The clothing situation is getting ridiculous. I managed to clothe everyone for church yesterday, but school today was a challange. Michalea has changed in the last couple of weeks. She is becoming much less clingy, far more outgoing, much to my relief.

I spent the morning putting the house in order, minus the upstairs which will have to wait until I can start washing clothes again... Do I hear the water running from downstairs? Oh please..... I hate washing clothes by hand.

This week is shaping up to be a busy start to the new year. The first week of the new year is a week our church dedicates to prayer. It makes for a busy time as either Tim or myself will be making the trip into Etobicoke every day this week.

Dinner is about ready, I had 10 minutes to sit down and type. I love that our routine is coming together again, the kids function so much better with it.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I sit here on the couch this evening completely exhausted. It was a very long (but very happy) Christmas season. We finished up with a New Years party at a couple of dear friends houses last night, minus the children (thanks mom and dad!) and consequently didn't get to bed until 3 in the morning. I honestly can't remember the last time I did that, but am guessing it was sometime around the flu outbreak last year!

Generally I dislike making New Year's resolutions. It seems that I simply never manage to keep them and after years of trying self improvement that way, I gave up. But, this blog has been sadly neglected over the past few months, as life came speeding at me like a freight train. Among other resolutions, (like finishing the church directory finally) has been a renewed resolve to post more regularly again. So we shall see. Blessings and hope for a prosperous new year everyone.