Saturday, June 28, 2008

Run Ragged

For the most part, I've gotten used to Tim being away. The total number of times he has been gone in the last 6 months adds up to 7 times I believe. Some times are easier than others..(think back to the dreadful flu and shudder).

This time has been a little different. I've been run off my feet. Not sure what is going on, but for a happy homebody we have been crazy busy. Thursday was CW, then Friday we shopped and drove out to Brampton, now in the next half hour I'm supposed to be taking the kids over to the park for a game of neighborhood pick-up soccer, then later they are going to a movie and dinner with our old renter. Frankly, I don't want to. I just got Michaela down for nap- and she will not be pleased after only 30 minutes. And.... I need a break.

Anyone got any easy idea's for feeding 5 hungry guys? One is a vegetarian to top it all off. Tim has his Sunday night meeting tomorrow, and we decided it would be easier for everyone to come here and have me feed them... normally not a big deal, until they added the vegetarian. (Sorry Josh, but it is a pain!) I HATE tofu!

Tim will be back late, and be a write off in the morning- but it will be good to have a break!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Canada's Wonderland

It was a day full of sunshine and laughter. Tim let this morning for B.C. on a rather unexpected business trip. I took the kids (all three of them) with Jen and her two to Canada's wonderland. Thank-goodness soccer was canceled!

Michaela loved the water park. She loved the pool, the splash pads and came away with a sun-kissed face and a big smile.

What a good way to start the summer!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Eastern Cougar

Nicky finished school yesterday... my little boy now in grade three!!! I was reading through his report card when he came to me with a booklet clutched in his hand. "Mom, you have to read this..." It was titled the Eastern Cougar and I thought it was his project on the animal he had done in class... I was a little off, it was a work of fiction, titled "Diary of an Eastern Cougar" I'm going to copy it below- without picture unfortunately, as they do add something... but enjoy!

May 2nd- Today was the 1st day of school, my teacher was Mr Deer He got sick so my dad ate him and we had to go home. My dad made the kill so he got to eat it all. I'm hungry.

May 22nd. We found a new teacher We had to pay 300 deer horns because dad ate the last teacher and almost this one too. I stopped him.

May 30th- Today in gym class we played wrestling. It was fun. I won! My teacher said were going baby deer hunting. I can't wait.

June 2nd- Today we went baby deer hunting and it was fun. I caught the biggest deer. It was a grown-up. Only ten. I ate it for Lunch.

June 17th - Today we had a real people drill. They caught me, but I bit his nose. He said ouch so I did it again. It was so fun that I did it again and again and again then he ran away. I'm sad, I hope he comes again.

June 20th- My class picture turned out terrible. My fur was sticking up straight and my claws weren't sharpened. Just horrible.

June 30th- Mom says there are 3 things I should always remember. 1. Try to avoid humans. 2. Never disturb dad when he is eating. 3. When being chased run fast. I tried and it hurt. Mom says not that fast.

July 1st- Today it was dad's birthday. I have him a deer leg, but I got grounded because I ate it. I'm really really hungry.

Nick Challies is 8 years old. He lives with his mom and dad and two sisters. Nick's favorite subjects include gym, art, science and writing. In his spare time he enjoys playing or watching baseball.

Tim and I were doubled over laughing with this piece of work. I'm hoping others find it funny as well and it isn't just a parental thing....Gracie, come on, I know you are laughing!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008


I had an interesting conversation with one of my sister-in-laws yesterday. I've been feeling so challenged of late. I've been looking forward to the summer, but have been amazed in watching it come how booked up my fall is looking.

We've agreed to take on more responsibility's with our church, (teaching Grace kids being one) as well as deciding that small groups are a must. Here is what our week will look like next year. Sunday- two services- the evening we will be having around 4 guys back to our house for an accountability meeting with Tim (and one wife to hang with me) all of which will need to be fed. Thankfully this is only twice a month. Tuesday we will have TAG, and Wed teaching Grace Kids. Abby's dance will fall somewhere in there as well. Overwhelming and this is before the fall conferences are added. As well, I am on the condo. board for our townhouses. When I think on how little we did just a few months ago......

I love being busy, but there is such a thing as too busy!

My living room is still awaiting paint, but the lazy days of summer are fast approaching. Nick's last day of school is Tues. Then Abby's grad. on Wed.

Tim and I have decided that my time can be better served outside of Ebay for now, and I'm going to work for him. Shades of College Pro! I'm going to be managing the Ad campaigns on his site, and trying to expand that business to other sites as well. Looking forward to the challenge of learning new things, but a little scared as well.

Better finish dinner. Blessings all.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Slowly returning to normal... kind of.

I think I will miss the buzz of the past 5 days. It has been fun having everyone around- only wish Justin and Grace could have stayed for longer. It was fun getting to know my newest brother-in-law a bit better. I have been so richly blessed by all my extended family! It is amazing to me thinking that I have been a part of the Challies clan for close to 13 years now. My sister-in-laws feel much more like real sisters to me, and I whole heartily approve of their choices in husbands. These men have stepped up and shown their true character and Godly leadership in our family. Even though everyone is far away from each other, and we don't talk or see each other as often as we like, we have a bond that is unbreakable. I thank God for each one of you!

We have another busy week coming up, and it won't be long (only 7 days left of school.)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm looking around my house shuddering wondering how on earth I'm going to have 9 people in this weekend.

I have been buzzing around praying that God will grant me the grace not to snap at my children as I feel I am on the verge of doing. There is no way, at this point we will have the ceiling painted, and me in my foolishness, did not realize that the new ceiling was going to require a complete paint job of the living room as well!

Nevermind. As long as the living room is cleared out, I can deal with what is coming. I think.

We just received the church budget for next year, and it is well... interesting. We know and trust that the leaders have put a lot of thought and prayer into this, but it is never-the-less a daunting budget. I am somewhat concerned about the practical reality compared to what has been presented, (a little too much like our former churches budget for my comfort!) and will find it interesting to see what others think.

Life has been so fast paced of late, it seems like school will be out before we know it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Living in the Basement

Today was interesting. Bob, our drywall guy, pulled out the entire ceiling, threw back up the drywall and go the first coat of mud on the ceiling today. I'm very excited. We have a massive fan on now to try and dry the stuff so he can put another coat on in the morning. Thank-goodness! We may be done in time yet!

I spent the day trying to keep two kids busy in the basement. Which was tough. We ended up over at Jen's for quite awhile. She bought a new wii game, maybe called guitar hero? She is a little addicted. But it was fun to try. Abby is likely to be up with nightmares tonight as her friend Kevin informed her that his dad's car was stolen from their house while they were sleeping. She is a little freaked out. Thanks!

Not sure what I'm going to do in the morning. Can see how tough renovations would be. At least we get to go out!


Monday, June 9, 2008

Well.... shall we say.... uh oh?

It is going to be one of those weeks. A little while ago we had a leak in the bathroom upstairs. We now need to patch the ceiling in the living room, and have decided, since we HATE the popcorn ceiling, that we want to simply replace the whole thing. So, after contacting a neighbor who's business is drywalling, we waited...and waited and waited. Finally on Sunday he contacted me and said he had an opening.... this WEEK.

This Friday we are having a family over for dinner. Friday night as well, we are having a friend come and stay with us for 4 or 5 days. Sat., we are going to my mom's for lunch, for fathers day and then Grace and Justin arrive for the night.

Basically, we have no furniture in the living room, and will be living in the basement for three days. This project HAS to be done by Thursday night, leaving me enough time to clean up, move the furniture back in time to have 7 people for dinner (not including my family) and get the basement turned into a bedroom for Kathrine coming. Can you say uh oh???????

I knew I was being challenged to be more hospitable, but man! Throw me a curve ball!!!!

Control... I want control!