Sunday, September 23, 2007

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ebay explosion

I simply have not had time lately to post anything. It has been so busy with school starting up and with work , blogging has been the last thing on my mind. Ebay has exploded in activity over the past two weeks, (7000 dollars in sales!) and every nap time has been taken up with processing order, tracking numbers and putting up an new auction (the most adorable bedroom set I've seen!!!) Isn't it cute! And only retails for 899.99 including shipping! Abby wants it, but alas we have two girls in one small bedroom. I think it will sell well, but we will see! I love the storage bed, and want one for Nick's room when we move him. I've enjoyed working lately, we finally have tracking numbers working well and I seem to be having an easier time with my "bosses".

I've been busy getting the house ready for Tim's mom and dad coming. Clean, clean and more cleaning! We seem to be on the cusp of some very big changes in our lives. Tim is considering some options work wise (hint: change in careers, but I won't say more for now) Pray for us, as any change for me seems a lot harder than other people. I resist so much, and anything finical is scary! It always is for women, I think, as we have no control over it! I've got to find a better way to end these posts... but for now I simply have nothing left to say!

Sunday, September 9, 2007


We have a new washer and dryer, or at least we will be getting one. It is exciting. What I am going to do between now and Wed for drying clothes is a puzzle, it is raining today, so we can't hang them, and our condo rules forbid clotheslines. I already broke that rule once and don't really want to incur the wrath of the nutty neighbours! As you recall we already got a phone call about the Great river of China being dug in the common area, they wouldn't hesitate! It is a front loading washer- which will be cool. We didn't get one of the matching sets- those were too expensive- so we got the bottom line dryer- but it does have one of those moisture sensors in it. Everybody and every site we went to said to just buy the cheapest dryer you can- splurge a little more on the washer- so we did. Things never break at a convinent time- money wise this is not a good time- but we have to be able to wash our clothes, and it made more sense to buy both as the washing machine has to be talked into spinning the clothes- it won't spin them until you go back down and thump the machine- then it will spin them. Anyway thing of the past. We spent yesterday cleaning the basement in preparation for the new machines coming!

Today our pastor launched into a new series on the book of John. It will be interesting. It is still refreshing after so long to hear that they are going to be study through the Bible.

Abby starts school tomorrow. She is excited. We just go some clothes from Susan,and Maryanne there is an outfit in there that you would love! It is this cute pleated denim skirt, white blouse and a sweater vest from the Gap, it is adorable and I know what Abby is wearing for picture day!

Nick's first week of school seems to have gone well- Not so crazy about his teacher as she seems a little disorganized. He has to do 20 min. of homework three times a week, which isn't bad except she didn't give it to us until Friday, and since we won't let him do homework on Sunday that gave us Friday night and Sat. to do 60 minutes of homework, it didn't go down well- but we got it done- He is a little frustrated as they have them reading picture books right now, not chapter books, so he is bored. The other funny thing that happened is that Jen gave us some choose your own adventure books- and Nick understood how you are to read them- but didn't want to read them that way, instead he sat down and read the silly thing from cover to cover. Made me wonder if he really was understanding what he was reading!

Michaela's mouth seems to be healing well- and her hair goes up in pig tails now! She has mastered HI (although it still mostly the HHH noise) and says to to people walking by complete with a wave and giggle as she thinks she is MOST clever.

Signing off on a rainy Sunday- have a blessed day.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Michaela did it again.

Tim and I carefully laid out a morning school routine for the kids. Since Tim gets up at 6:00 to do devotions, he would wake me and the kids up at 7:30, at that time they will climb into bed with me for morning devotions, after which they head downstairs for breakfast and I hop into the shower. Lunches have been made the night before, clothes laid out. No chaos, simple. It went so well the first day of school. Last night the kids headed outside for some playtime after supper. I made lunches and started tiding up. I stuck my head out the door, just in time to see Michaela fall- forward, her head hitting the pavement. Not again!! She stood up blood pouring from her mouth, screaming all the while. We were concerned initially as she cut the inside of her lip badly with her teeth, but she settled down. It wasn't until 20 minutes later we noticed she had split the skin below her bottom lip badly. Off to the hospital we go. The nurse at triage thinks we need stitches. Again. It is funny sometimes how God works. We initially went to the walk in clinic, praying all the way that they would be able to stitch her again like they did last time. This time they wouldn't even look at her. We tried another walk in clinic praying again, and they weren't open. So, off to the hospital we go praying that it wouldn't be busy. The waiting room was packed. I think there were only three chairs left when we walked in. However we were in and out of there in an hour and half- Michaela didn't need stitches and Tim and I were so thankful. Now, hopefully the cut will heal well. It is hard because it is constantly wet from drool etc. We are praying it doesn't get infected. It was interesting in retrospect to see how God choose exactly when to answer prayer last night. We met some interesting people, and one very flamboyant male nurse (his jewerly matched his cherry red scrubs)We got home at 9:40, and hustled the kids who had been at our neighbors off to bed. I didn't think there was a chance we would manage with our morning routine. I was ready to take Tim's head off at 7:30 when he woke me up (Michaela was up a lot in the night, in pain I'd imagine) but, we did it. So the routine wasn't broken. I'm glad it is over and done with and thankful it wasn't worse.

Monday, September 3, 2007


School starts again in the morning. We had tears tonight from Nick as he claims he will miss me too much. He hates new things and is a little nervous about starting. His bag is packed with his new pencil case, new indoor shoes and gym bag complete with gym clothes. His lunch is made waiting in the fridge. He is bathed and his school clothes are waiting for him all laid out. My boy is going into grade two. It was startling to me to realize that when all of them will be in school full time- meaning Michaela will be in grade one- my oldest will be in grade SEVEN!!!!! How short time is. I almost weep as really that isn't very far off. I have been doing devotions with the kids in the morning- trying to read a lesson from Nancy Ganz's Genesis commentary. I want to send them off to school each morning with God's word on their hearts. They don't always listen that well, but hopefully some is entering their brains! We've been doing them for two weeks now- and I'm thankful we started the routine before school began- hopefully it will be easy to continue it!

We have a new 7 year old boy in the neighborhood! Jake seems like a nice kid- and we had the odd experience yesterday of having two boys show up on the door step looking for Nick. Which was a good thing, I love the fact that Nick has BOYS coming to see him- there are 7 girls in the complex and before now there was only Nick. They wanted him to go to Jake's house at the other end of the townhouse complex to play. Tim looked at me and said that was fine- but inwardly I was panicked! Normally he just goes out to the front to play- suddenly he was going to another house - and walking there by himself (with two other boys)
With a "good- well I'll see you whenever.." I don't think so.... I'm frantically making up rules as I go along..."Do you know our phone number- give it to me. Good- when you need to come home call and we will come and get you- don't leave on your own. Stay there no where else...." And off he goes..... "Tim follow behind and make sure he gets there... I don't care if there is three of them- I'll worry all afternoon if I don't know he got there o.k......."

Nick was fine, and Mommy after a little reasoning settled down too- now to work on me for next time. I had a very distraught Abby on my hands who was so used to doing everything with her brother and for the first time in her life was not invited or welcome. She was so upset. Poor thing, but this is life and this is going to happen as they get older. They really are best friends right now- and Nick will always look his little sis. Abby had the girls next door over and that alleviated the distress.

It was a good end to the summer. I don't want winter- really I don't.