Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nick and Liam

The Roth's have come to town this week, and initiated, much to Tim's and my shame, a get together between the Mcgibbon, Roth and Challies clans. It was amazing to look around Kim and Jay's house knowing that when we met them, there was a total of 2 kids among us, Nick and Liam. Since then we have all added to our families, and Tues. night there was a total of 11 kids running around. It was so cool.

What also amazed me was how easily we all fit in together. For the most part, it was like old times. It had been six years since we had all been together, and while there were some changes (both the Roth's and the Mcgibbons are homeschooling!!!) everyone fit right back together.

I was wondering how Liam and Nick would do together. It had been about 3 years since we had last seen them, maybe four, and Liam had gone through quite the ordeal. I wasn't sure how the boys would do. They played so well together when they were younger, and were best friends, but both are fast entering a different stage in life and had matured and changed. I walked in the door, and the first thing I noticed was that Liam was huge. Not too much taller than Nick, but still mentally I wasn't expecting that! Nick and him eyed each other, and disappeared downstairs. They emerged to eat, and then vanished again.

On the way home I asked Nick if he was glad to see Liam again. His answer "totally." What did you talk about? "Stuff". Very teenage answers really, and Tim found it pretty funny. But I have to tell you. I headed downstairs at one point in the evening, and found Liam and Nick, both dressed up in some kind of fencing/ninja/sword man costumes, play fighting with foam swords.
It was such a throw back to the days when they were three, playing at small group. So sweet. They had no problems, and according to Kim, Liam asked this morning when he could see Nick again. I pray those two will be friends for life.

Pray for Liam. He has had what Kim terms a setback with his recovery from the tumor he had last year. His right ventricle is enlarged and he is having to see a specialist Monday to help determine what they need to do about it. He is having some tic's from the swelling, and continues to have migraines, although they seem to believe that is a result of an irregularity in his optic nerve in his right eye.

Kim asked us if we were doing the Christmas tree thing this year, and hopefully, Lord willing we wil head out again. All of us love the tradition, and old friendships that never die.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Tim is leaving on Thursday for an elders retreat. I was actually looking forward to some downtime between Tim's parents leaving and then them coming back on the return trip back down to Atlanta. However... God had other plans.

We have some friends who, about 6 years ago moved out to Saskatoon. They emailed a couple of months ago telling us that they were going to be in the area and Tim told them they could stay with us if they needed to. They said sure, and either Tim lost the email, or they forgot to tell us the dates they were coming, because we got an email last night at 9:00 telling us they would be here Thursday. They have four kids.

I started to panic as I looked around my messy, unclean house (which was going to be dealt with Friday before Tim's parents come back) and realize I have no food to feed 11 people, no beds to put them in, and likely not enough sheets or pillows!!!!

I am so glad they are coming to stay with us, it will be so wonderful to see them again. I love being hospitable, but realize that while I have grown a ton in this area, I like it on my own terms. When I have warning to prepare. So, God is stretching me again today, as I run around doing my best to make sure everything is ready for them (sheets, pillows, beds towels and food!) so that they feel welcome.

We are heading out to Kim and Jason's on Tuesday night for a good old Sanctuary home church reunion, which will be a blast. Nick is over the moon he gets to see Liam again. How cool is that?

On a side note, it is cold enough to snow here already. I think we are going to have 6 months of winter this year, which is miserable. I had to dig out the winter coats a couple of days ago, and the kids are walking to school with hats and mitts already.

Monday, October 12, 2009

This and That

We have had a busy weekend. Tim and his dad took out our old ratty path, and put in a beautiful new path complete with a new patio. I love the way it looks, and spent the day today finishing off the garden in the front. It looks good. In the spring we will buy (or if we can find one on sale now) a little rod iron pair of chairs and a little table. I've finished redecorating the kitchen, I just need to finish the caulking around the sink. And after that, I'll have to turn my attention to more mundane things! I'm so pleased with the way the house is looking. And so much more organized!

We spent Sunday night at my mom's for thanksgiving, and had a fairly quiet day today. All in all it was a good weekend.

We have no news on the dog front. I still want one, we are just waiting till we are comfortable with getting one. Tim wants to wait until the new year at this point. Makes sense as we have a big trip planned later in the year, and would have to figure something out for the dog.

I'm looking forward to the start of mens and ladies this week. I am going to try and read the chapter ahead, as I don't do very well thinking on the fly, and prefer to go in prepared so I can at least pretend to sound intelligent. I'm not sure how I'm going to find reading the chapter out loud, I generally dislike that format, but I'm sure that the discussion will be interesting.

Tim got confirmation from the publisher he wants to work with. They made most of the concessions on the contract he wanted. So, he still has to sign the paper, but it looks like we have a book contract. Exciting, and daunting.

Tim is reading Lord of the Rings to the kids, and the nighttime, school routine is moving along. I'm looking forward to being back into our routine , the kids function so much better under it. Night all.

Monday, October 5, 2009


In a very bizarre turn of events my husband, much sooner than I thought possible, is now on the brink of scaling back drastically in his web design work.

I hate change. Always have. The thought of him changing jobs gives me hives. A few months ago Tim's restless spirit reared it's head, and I was once more forced to think about the possibility. Tim was in contact with a book editor looking to expand. Things were moving slowly on both sides and eventually got placed on the back burner. Insert sigh of relief.

Tim's agent contacted him about a week ago to let him know there were several offers on his two book proposals. Good offers, which meant Tim could take some time off from design to write. Not too scary for me, but change never-the-less.

The big one hit a few days later, when he got a offer from an organization, which amounted to part-time employment. A good salary, and one which, with the part-time part, would still allow him to blog, do conferences, and write. Tim told me if he were to think of his ideal job and write it down, a lot of it would be in the job description listed in this new job. Insert panic attack.

So where is my comfort? Oddly enough I get a great deal of security from Tim's self employment. During these difficult economic times, Tim has always found work, and I find that I like the fact he is not tied to one company. The freedom offered with his current line of work is so very secure. Weird huh? The very thing that freaked me out 7 years ago when he started the company is now my security.

The offer in most ways is simply too good, how can it not be God's will? But I still find my self panicking the same way I did when Tim walked home with the pink slip years ago. Oh how I wanted to have grown beyond that! I cannot put my value and my security in material possessions, but how much easier it is to trust in some ways when you have little and have to wait for God to provide, then when you have much.

Listen to me. Tim will likely succeed as he always has, but I assume that we are going to be back to where we were 7 years ago when Tim started. And even if we do... God works all things for good.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Hey... I made it pretty!!

I visited my friend Kim's site and found a change... It was no longer the boring blogger template... so knowing her has I do.. knowing that it was unlikely that she was going to pay for a site, I followed the link on her site,, and found this free template! So easy to install too! (You would think when I have a web designer for a husband I wouldn't need to resort to such measures.. but trying to get him to design one for me was like pulling teeth! So I'll be happy with this... it is no longer boring!)

Thank-you all for your prayers, Abby and Nick are still installed in the same classes with all the same kids. There was no changes in either of their classes! They had no additions or kids leaving. Praise God!

I spent today, after grocery shopping, painting the kitchen. It is now a very odd shade of green, think mustard and pea soup. But looks really good, and am going to accent it with the same burnt orange in the living room, along with some mustard yellows, it will now flow quite nicely with the living room I think.

I will leave you with some Michaelaisms and Abbyisms tonight. Last weekend we went to the Ancaster Fair. While on the Elephant ride with Chaela, I was concerned she would be scared. So as the Elephant went up and down, I was saying, in a happy voice.." And, uuuppp we go, and .....dddoooowwwnn we go!!!!" Disgusted, Michalea finally turns to me and says..."Oh Mother, stop it!!!" Great.... a teenager at three.

Abby, terrified on the Ferris Wheel, suspicious of the questionable mid-way worker turns to me and asks, "Mom, are you sure he knows how to work this thing?" .

Nicky came home from school with a set of rather politically incorrect jokes two days ago. Turns out the teacher was telling the kids! I knew it was a sub. teacher, and knew he was male, but made the assumption that it was a young guy. Should have know better really, turns out he was "old" according to Nick because he had "white" hair. When I think about it, makes more sense. No young guy is going to risk his career telling grade fours a joke that starts off with "there was a guy from Toronto and a guy from Newfoundland....."

Monday, September 28, 2009

Prayer Request

One thing I really hate about the Ontario school system, is the restructuring that takes place on and around September 30th each year. It seems, thanks to a government mandate, that they can and often do change our kids class rooms so that there is no more than 20 kids per class. What that means for Abby and Nick's school this year is that they are creating, a 1/2 2/3 and 3/4 split.
I'm really worried about Abby. There is only 3 grade 2 classes right now, and I love her teacher, she is in with her neighbour hood friends. I am really praying that I don't get a phone call in the next 48 hours telling me that they are moving her. But they are creating two new classes and everyone will be effected. Same with Nick. Although he has less of a chance of moving, but he is in with a really good friend of his, and he likes his teachers. I like them as well.

I have never been able to figure out why they can't fix this before school starts. Abby had to change last year, and while I liked her new teachers better, it took her a good month to settle back into her new classroom.

So I am asking that everyone pray. Pray that my kids won't have to move, that their teachers will remain the same, and that their friends stay in the classes with them. Thanks.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I'm trying a new system for my prayer requests. With our Grace Kids, we break into our small groups at the end of the session, do lemon's and cherries (left over from the Sanctuary) and then prayer requests. I wrote all the requests (in general terms) down on a giant yellow sticky note, that then gets placed over my kitchen sink. The only problem I'm finding is that I now have three rows of those sticky notes, and still have a couple more to add!

Michaela's bee phobia is getting worse. She now will not play outside anywhere near our house. For now, she will play at the park and stuff, but we still have not been able to rid our front yard completely of the bees. Any suggestions on how to deal with a three year old's bee phobia would be appreciated.

I got an email about a dog in need. A three year old yellow lab that needs a home. We are considering it. Have to go tuck the kids into bed.

Monday, September 21, 2009


It has been a long three weeks. Tim has been traveling a fair bit lately. And tonight, (he left this morning for the third trip in two weeks.) I'm feeling the burden of being a single parent. The kids aren't responding well to discipline, and I'm just plain tired. Not only am I doing double duty, but I've realized I find it very stressful when he is away. New revelation.

I started off this morning by falling off the bed, as I flipped over to turn off the alarm. It hurt. I somehow got mixed-up and didn't realize that I was on Tim's side of the bed.... and boom- landed on the floor.

I have another half and hour and I can put my trouble makers to bed. Thank-goodness!!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Grace and bees

So much for sneaking in quietly. I had forgotten about the RSS feed. Although I have to say I assumed everyone would have unsubscribed after six months of nothing.

Last night was the second class of Grace Kids for this year. Tim was away and I was left on my own to teach. I had taught by myself last year, but the experience this year was vastly different.

The kids this year are so much younger. It is amazing in someways to see the difference from grade six to grade eight. At grade six they are still children, by grade eight they are young adults. The same is proving true for developmental aspects as well.

Last year, it was like pulling teeth to get the kids to talk, this year, you have to work to get them to stop. And most of what is said is just repetition of what their neighbor said. I came away last night feeling totally ineffective, frustrated and somewhat dismayed. The lesson didn't go as I had hoped, and I felt that they had missed the entire point of what we were talking about. Everyone has simple pat answers for the questions, yet none of them really understand the concept.

It was humbling. I felt so inadequate.

I pray that we can reach out to these kids this year. The task seems so very daunting compared to last year.

On another note: Michaela has developed a terror of bee's. Understandable given her last stinging incident, but one that is annoying as she refuses to go outside. I have no idea what to do about it, and given that she seems to attract bees, I'm not sure that she shouldn't be very cautious. (I mean the child has been stung three times this year... I've only been stung once in my life!!!!)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Six Months

Six Months. That's how long it has been since I've last posted. Reading back over my posts, I realize how much I want to keep up with blogging. I love how much the posts are a journal into our lives, a record of sorts.

So, we will see. I'm going to try to pick this up again. Should be interesting to see how long it takes people to realize that I'm posting again. Not going to tell anyone... just in case I can't commit!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Michaela hides her face

Anytime I walk into a room and find my youngest daughter with her hands over her eyes, I know she is touching something she should not. It is actually the cutest thing, she figures if she can't see me, I can't see here. Tim captured it on video this afternoon, and here is the result.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

From Canning to Power Tools

I've been stretching my horizons this year. It started off in the fall with canning various jams and preserves. I've even started making bread. Yesterday, I moved into power tools. We started the floor in the basement yesterday. Dad agreed to come over and guide Tim and myself through the basics of home improvement. Thank-goodness! So yesterday I spent part of the afternoon on my hands and knees installing sub flooring and laminate. Tim decided it would be humorous to take a picture of me using the skill saw. If the picture is reasonable I'll post it as proof I did do more than watch.

It went well. No fingers and no limbs missing. I had an uncomfortable moment at Home Depot however. I was sent to pick-up some more supplies early in the afternoon. After making my purchases, I headed out to the parking lot only to find I had misplaced my car. And, of course, I had to run into someone I knew in the parking lot while standing there looking befuddled. It was embarrassing.

I'm looking forward to having a functioning basement again. Thanks again Dad for helping us! Today we have a members meeting later, so have to head into church earlier than usual. Nick has a friend over to play and they are busy upstairs playing lego.

It has been a busy weekend, Nick's birthday is next week, and I am once again remembering the day we brought him home from the hospital. It was March 6th and was warm enough out we could be outside in short sleeves. As I look to the weather on Monday, it is set to be -15 with a windchill of -27, (that is 5 and -16 for you Americans) I am so tired of winter. Looking forward to my soon to be 9 year olds birthday. He wants to have a friend over after school on Thursday and his grandparents will be coming for a visit later that evening as well. Hopefully he will have a good day!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Tim started off his spring conference season last weekend. I have been dreading this time. The hardest thing about him being away is the lack of adult conversation in the house. Since everyone was healthy this time, it wasn't too difficult.

Like usual something always breaks when Tim is gone, and this time was no different. Our basement flooded. The outside walls are the condo's responsibility, which was as pain, but they sent the guy quickly and he found a hairline crack in our foundation. I'm excited at the possibility of redoing part of our basement. We've decided to put a floating floor in, wood laminate. I'm thrilled with the possibility, but a little scared as we are going to try and do this ourselves. I think it will improve our basement. Tim is considering moving his office to the basement, but I'm not sure we want to do that. I like having that space downstairs. Of course, this all hinges on us finding the time to do it, and when that would be is beyond me right now. Tim started ripping up the carpet last night, was it ever wet! My dad pointed us to a product called Dricore. It is specifically for basements and allows the floors to breathe underneath. I'm hoping that we can make the space a more usable adult room rather than just a play room.

It has taken me a good solid two weeks to get back on my feet after being sick. I can't believe how tired I was still feeling! I'm enjoying feeling like I can do stuff again!

On a very happy note, Vicky's baby Charlotte came home from the hospital yesterday. She still only weighs 3 pounds 5 oz but is eating well. I'll take over a meal for Vicky later today.

Tim tried to haul me out of bed this morning to do my devotions. That simply wasn't happening. Michaela talks A LOT in her sleep and last night we dealt with her running away, and a huge fight with Abby over some clothes she wanted to wear. It is so odd, it wouldn't be so bad if she just talked, but she needs me to respond too. Once I tell her it is o.k. she will then lie down and sleep, but until then she just keeps squawking. She isn't really awake, but still needs the comfort. Most nights are o.k., but last night she was up and down. I have no idea how to deal with it!

Anyway, Dora is on and I have a few minutes that I really should be tidying and doing some chores. Have a good day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So much for writing more.

I wanted to write on this blog more. Really. But I just either can't think of what I want to say, or simply can't find the time.

Our neighborhood has welcomed a new baby. My friend Jen's sister Vicky (who also lives next door to Jen, directly across from us had a little girl. It is by God's grace that this little one made it. Part of the placenta was dead apparently, and the baby wasn't growing. There was also NO amniotic fluid when they did an ultra sound. The baby was taken, four weeks early by C-section. She is only 3 pounds, and they are keeping the baby in the hospital until she is about 4 pounds. Upsetting time for the new mommy.

Yesterday I had a funny glimpse into the differences between men and women. We were at the bus stop yesterday. The snow was melting and much to the ladies' concern the melting snow had turned up a concrete parking block that had been turned over by a plow. This block was upside down with a metal spike sticking out of it. The mom's were busy herding the kids away from this hazard. It was at the bottom of a snow pile and the kids were sliding down. We were busy, all clucking that someone was going to get badly hurt. Jen's husband Martin showed up with his girls and I was quick to point out the hazard to him. He takes one look, walks over and with a quick tug pulls the offending metal peg out of the hole, walks over and disposes of it in the garbage can. All us ladies are standing there with a slightly stunned expression on our faces and with a "oh......" we look at each other. The ever practical man sees the problem and fixes it.

The spring conference season starts for us this week. Tim is heading away for four days. I'm not looking forward to this season, last one was so very trying for me. Hope everyone is well.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


As I was cleaning the bedroom this morning, I was talking with Michaela about how it was soon going to be her turn to move to the bottom bunk of the bunk bed in Abby's room. Around the age of 2, Abby moved into bottom bunk and Nick switched to the top. Recently, (well ever since Dominican really) Nick has been sleeping in Abby's room on the top bunk. Tim and I have been wanting to move Michaela for awhile now, but she hasn't been sleeping that well and we haven't wanted to mess with Abby's sleep patterns. Michaela has been sleeping better of late, and she was quite excited at the thought of sleeping in "Abby's room".

We've explained many times to both girls how the room would one day be both of theirs. That Abby would move to the top bunk, as her brother before her and they would share. Our children (as evidence from Nick) take a great deal of comfort from each other, and both girls seemed pleased that there would still be someone in the room with them.

Much to my surprise at bedtime tonight, Michaela remembered our conversation this morning, and was very excited about sleeping in Abby's room. As I talked to her about it, clarifying that Abby would indeed be sleeping in her room, on the top bunk, I heard a "WHAT??" from one very distraught Abigail. That this was going to be an issue for her, never occurred to us. We had discussed this many times with her. Tim talked to her and we began moving bedding around.

Everything exploded. Abby melted down, and sat on the top bunk wailing. I gave in at that point and told Abby to move back, then Michaela sat on the bottom bunk and started wailing. I couldn't win. At this point my goal was to get them to sleep as quickly as possible. I moved Abby into our room telling her that I would move Michaela out as soon as she was asleep. At this point Abby was so upset, she was hyperventilating from crying so hard. I got Michaela to sleep and moved into our room, to try and calm Abby down. The only was to appease her was to promise she could sleep in our room tonight, along with Michaela. So we went from no kids to two kids in our bedroom. Finally things were calming down. I got up with Abby moved into the hall way with a "come on let's get your stuff..." When I hear a "WHAT??" Guess who?

Nick was upset now... he was scared to sleep alone. (how have I damaged my children???) All three are asleep upstairs now- Nick wanted to be in our room too... but Abby in tears stated she loved Nick and didn't want him to be scared so she agreed to move back into her own room.

Obviously, where I went wrong, was not discussing will all three of the moving Michaela. It simply never occured to me.

An hour and a half later it is peaceful in the Challies household. Until tomorrow when Michaela wakes up and realizes she is no longer in Abby's room.... let's hope she doesn't figure it out in the middle of the night.

Monday, January 5, 2009

10 minutes

Tim is, at the moment, downstairs with Michaela and the repair guy, fixing, I hope, our washing machine. It has been out of commission for over a week now. The clothing situation is getting ridiculous. I managed to clothe everyone for church yesterday, but school today was a challange. Michalea has changed in the last couple of weeks. She is becoming much less clingy, far more outgoing, much to my relief.

I spent the morning putting the house in order, minus the upstairs which will have to wait until I can start washing clothes again... Do I hear the water running from downstairs? Oh please..... I hate washing clothes by hand.

This week is shaping up to be a busy start to the new year. The first week of the new year is a week our church dedicates to prayer. It makes for a busy time as either Tim or myself will be making the trip into Etobicoke every day this week.

Dinner is about ready, I had 10 minutes to sit down and type. I love that our routine is coming together again, the kids function so much better with it.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I sit here on the couch this evening completely exhausted. It was a very long (but very happy) Christmas season. We finished up with a New Years party at a couple of dear friends houses last night, minus the children (thanks mom and dad!) and consequently didn't get to bed until 3 in the morning. I honestly can't remember the last time I did that, but am guessing it was sometime around the flu outbreak last year!

Generally I dislike making New Year's resolutions. It seems that I simply never manage to keep them and after years of trying self improvement that way, I gave up. But, this blog has been sadly neglected over the past few months, as life came speeding at me like a freight train. Among other resolutions, (like finishing the church directory finally) has been a renewed resolve to post more regularly again. So we shall see. Blessings and hope for a prosperous new year everyone.