Friday, October 2, 2009

Hey... I made it pretty!!

I visited my friend Kim's site and found a change... It was no longer the boring blogger template... so knowing her has I do.. knowing that it was unlikely that she was going to pay for a site, I followed the link on her site,, and found this free template! So easy to install too! (You would think when I have a web designer for a husband I wouldn't need to resort to such measures.. but trying to get him to design one for me was like pulling teeth! So I'll be happy with this... it is no longer boring!)

Thank-you all for your prayers, Abby and Nick are still installed in the same classes with all the same kids. There was no changes in either of their classes! They had no additions or kids leaving. Praise God!

I spent today, after grocery shopping, painting the kitchen. It is now a very odd shade of green, think mustard and pea soup. But looks really good, and am going to accent it with the same burnt orange in the living room, along with some mustard yellows, it will now flow quite nicely with the living room I think.

I will leave you with some Michaelaisms and Abbyisms tonight. Last weekend we went to the Ancaster Fair. While on the Elephant ride with Chaela, I was concerned she would be scared. So as the Elephant went up and down, I was saying, in a happy voice.." And, uuuppp we go, and .....dddoooowwwnn we go!!!!" Disgusted, Michalea finally turns to me and says..."Oh Mother, stop it!!!" Great.... a teenager at three.

Abby, terrified on the Ferris Wheel, suspicious of the questionable mid-way worker turns to me and asks, "Mom, are you sure he knows how to work this thing?" .

Nicky came home from school with a set of rather politically incorrect jokes two days ago. Turns out the teacher was telling the kids! I knew it was a sub. teacher, and knew he was male, but made the assumption that it was a young guy. Should have know better really, turns out he was "old" according to Nick because he had "white" hair. When I think about it, makes more sense. No young guy is going to risk his career telling grade fours a joke that starts off with "there was a guy from Toronto and a guy from Newfoundland....."


Nick Coller said...

I think that instead of saying "Uuuuuup we go!" you should have just gotten Michaela to "Shhhhhhh!" instead - I hear that helps :)

Grace said...

Like the blog, still want to see pictures of your new furniture and new paint...thanks for letting us know the funny things your kids say:)

Anonymous said...

Mother! Ha! Mom C