Friday, March 5, 2010

Nick's Birthday

Nicky turned 10 a couple of days ago. Where on earth has the time gone? I clearly remember the moment he was born, after a very long and difficult delivery, the mid-wife placed him on my chest. He raised his head and looked straight at me. I remember two things. One, thinking. "hey, he shouldn't be able to do that should he?" and two... "That just came out of ME????" The mid-wives were laughing and I remember the one saying "look at her face!" I was incredulous. And it showed.

Now, that tiny little baby is almost up to my chin in height. It is amazing. I miss the baby, but I love having a older boy too. So very thankful for the years God has given him to us. Praying for his continued spiritual growth and development. Happy Birthday Nick!


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you post...We love your Nick, your - and our-BIG boy...Mom C

Helms said...

Please keep posting. It makes me feel more connected to you. I love all the stories and anecdotes. Happy Birthday dear Nick Nick. You are the leader of the pack!